Shoulders and Arms - Technique Showcase
In this driving day and computer age, the arms get unique usage these days. This course travels from the shoulder to the hand on the Arm Lines, giving techniques for every station along the way.
These include:
Releases for each joint of the shoulder
Soft-tissue techniques for shoulder muscles
Elbow and upper arm muscle releases
Lower arm extensor, flexor, radial, and ulnar releases
Wrist and hand work
The Shoulder and Arm Lines - Full Technique Video
Integrated fascial techniques are presented in this video from Chapter 7 of the Anatomy Trains book for easing and repositioning the shoulders and balancing the Arm lines with instant access to anatomy, issues and patterns, fascial release.
61 Upper Trapezius Loop
61 Upper Trapezius
75 Deltoid and Intermuscular Septum
76 Wrist and Hand Extensors Loop
76 Wrist and Hand Extensors
66 Sternum and Sternocostal Joints Loop
66 Sternum and Sternocostal Joints
63 Latissimus Dorsi Loop
63 Latissimus Dorsi
67 Pectoralis Major Loop
67 Pectoralis Major
77 Medial Intermuscular Septa Loop
77 Medial Intermuscular Septa
78 Wrist Flexors Loop
78 Wrist Flexors
87 Rhomboids on the Bench Loop
87 Rhomboids on the Bench
88 Levator Scapuli on the Bench
88 Levator Scapuli on the Bench Loop
83 Supraspinatus Loop
83 Supraspinatus
84 Infraspinatus and Teres Minor Loop
84 Infraspinatus and Teres Minor